Mohenjo Daro

“Secrets are made to be found out with time.”- Charles Sanford Mohenjo Daro beautifully proved the righteousness of Sanford’s words. Far in the South of Sindh lies a secret too beautiful to remain hidden!

The ‘mound of the dead’ is one of Pakistan’s most incredible places. We do not know what the people who built this city called it. What we do know about the original residents of ‘Mohenjo Daro’-the city of the dead- is that they lived in this remarkably developed home more than five thousand years ago. This makes them members of one of the earliest civilization in the world. Mohenjo Daro is the most well-known reminder of the Indus valley civilization. This city is so old that the very course of the great Indus was different when this city was inhabited. The many guides that are available at the site will point this out, among many other interesting facts.

The fact that this is one of the earliest civilizations in the world makes it a source of national pride, it is one of the biggest jewels in Pakistan’s collection of treasures. But its roots go back so far that it goes beyond nationality, it is a view into the very birth of human history and the human story. This is why it’s a United nations recognized world heritage site and this is why its a must see if you happen to be in Pakistan.

The site itself is fairly large and has an accompanying museum. This museum houses some artifacts that archeologists and historians the world over would drool over. The spread out site has a small entry fee and requires good walking shoes and at least two hours to properly see. The closest city is Larkana and the closest airport is Sukkur. You can also set out for here from Karachi or Hyderabad. In the plains of Sindh, it is warm even in the winter months. The main things to do here are touring the entire site and visit the museum. Engaging a guide who is verified by the museum is easy and recommended. Mohenjo Daro is on the Pakistani 20 rupee note. The entrance fee to the site is also Rs.20!

Fun facts: The mound that is the most famous image of Mohenjo Daro was not part of the original city. It was a Buddhist Tupa built a few thousand years later.



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